
Note: Cognitive set theory has been largely replaced by my latest work, The Whole Part by Alec Rogers.

Cognitive Set Theory is a mathematical model of cognition which equates sets with concepts, and uses mereological elements. It has a holistic emphasis, as opposed to a reductionistic emphasis, and it therefore begins with a single universe (as opposed to an infinite collection of infinitesimal points).

The major points are presented in a short summary (see the essays section).

The first several chapters of the book are composed of an informal treatment of various aspects of psychology and linguistics, and the book culminates with with a more formal treatment of the axioms of this psychology.

From the back cover:

Cognitive Set Theory applies mereology and set theory to perception and thought. Using generic concepts such as part, whole, and reference, it explores the physical, perceptual, and conceptual universes.

This book appeals to an audience at the crossroads of psychology, linguistics, logic, mathematics, and philosophy.  It is accessible to anyone, and relies heavily on hierarchy and diagrams to illustrate key points.

This Knowledge that has no center or circumference, no inside or outside, is innocent of all partiality and knows no blocks or barriers … is a vast expanse of space. ~ Longchen Rabjam

A set is a many which allows itself to be thought of as a one. ~ Georg Cantor